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Following on from the overwhelming response to our ‘We’re Still Standing’ tribute, to our inspirational NHS and key workers, we wanted to now THANK YOU!


The Heads of House have teamed up with Performing Arts to bring you a weekly performance challenge, starting tomorrow, every Friday night!  

Ranging from absurd to amazing – this is your chance to have some fun, express yourself and find a positive way to get through our lock-down!

Winning categories will be: Most Professional Performance, Most Enthusiastic Performance, Most Comedic
Performance and Most Creative Interpretation and


If you are a Canterbury Academy student you will receive 5 achievement points for entering and 10 for winning!

If you are a Canterbury Primary student you will receive 5 dojos for entering and 10 for winning! 

If you are part of our wider community you can choose which student to donate your points to!

Please send entries to by 12pm every Thursday.


If you are a parent and are happy for your child’s video to be shared on our social media platforms and school website, please state so in the main body of the email.

Teasers will be posted throughout the week, with guest appearances from your Heads of Houses, showing you how it’s (not?) done!

Challenges will be launched every Friday at 6pm, starting tomorrow, 24 April, on both the Trust’s website and social media platforms, and winners
will be announced every Thursday. 

Please follow us on:

facebook like You can follow us on Facebook by going to

Twitter logoWe are on Twitter too, go to

Instagram logo And, our Instagram page is on

We continue to be blown away by the positivity and selflessness of our community, so we want to celebrate and congratulate you in the best way we can – through performing, having fun and spreading joy!

Thank you, thank you, thank you – enjoy the challenges!

From your Heads of House and Performing Arts Team