First day of Term – September 2022
Year 7
The new academic year begins on Thursday, 1st September with a day for our new Year 7 cohort, who will arrive at 8:45am. This day is reserved for our new students to enable them to familiarise themselves with their new school and get to know their new peers.
Year 8-11
Our students in years 8-11 will begin their term at 8:45am on Friday, 2nd September. Their day will begin with a mentoring session, details of which will be displayed around the hall, Room 9 and Room 44a, to help direct students to the correct rooms.
Year 12
Students will have been sent details about their enrolment day and time. For sports students, it will be on Wednesday 31st August either between 12.00 pm and 1.30 pm or between 1.30 pm and 2.30 pm. It will take place in our Sixth Form Building and on entering the school car park, you will be directed to where to go.
After enrolment, Year 12 students will have an induction assembly on Monday the 5th September. Students will have selected their chosen assembly time during enrolment. In their induction assembly, students will be given their ID lanyard, shown how to access their online timetable and be offered a tour of the school.
Lessons will begin on Tuesday if students have lessons that day, students will need to check their own personalised timetables.
Core lessons will begin for all students the week beginning the 12th September.
Year 13
Our students in Year 13 will begin their term on Friday, 2nd September period 3 onwards, students may not have lessons until the following week and should check their own individual timetables on Arbor
Core lessons will begin the week be going the 12th September.