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Dear parents and carers,

With the end of another academic year upon us, I write with our term 6 Trust Pillars of Excellence Newsletter; celebrating everything that is incredible about our students from all areas, schools and divisions across The Canterbury Academy Trust. Through what has been a very challenging period for so many, there is still so much that our students have achieved both individually and collectively. Most notably, recently, through our Sports Week, Summerfest and, of course, the amazing Trust Summer Show, ‘Shrek’ The Musical,’ at The Gulbenkian Theatre.

Now, as we move into the summer break and begin to prepare for a new academic year, I believe there is much more for us to look forward to. The new Secretary of State for Education has launched a review of the national curriculum, and seems to be proposing that creative subjects in sport and the performing arts, alongside an ongoing commitment to more practical, vocational subjects, be valued equally alongside academic achievement.

This form of more holistic, rich and varied, opportunity led curriculum, is exactly what we have remained committed to across our Pillars of Excellence for so long. We have never, and shall never, drift from recognising that every young person is special; that we are all good at something; that different gifts, abilities, skills, talents and aptitudes should all be celebrated equally through offering as much as possible, as often as possible, for as many as possible. We are excited to see where this review may take us.

With that said, and not that I should want you to believe we base too much of our Trust’s culture on ‘Shrek,’ but I was sincerely struck by the message the show gave us all last week and how much it resonated with our Trust’s philosophy; particularly seeing about 250 students from across the primary and secondary school on stage singing (and dancing to) ‘Freak Flag,’ living their absolute best lives! Our core belief, which I think is why so many of you have entrusted your children and their education to us, came across loud and clear on stage: be you; be happy; celebrate your individual brilliance and that of those around you; and love the fact you’re the only you that will ever be made! We have such an unbelievably supportive Trust community, in the good times and the bad, and we must remember that actually by just being ourselves, students, parents and staff, that’s more than good enough and, actually, really something quite special.

So….let’s keep our Freak Flags flying across our Trust! Let’s raise them up high and never, ever take them down; because…as the big green guy himself says…”what makes us special, makes us strong.”

I wish all of our students who are collecting exam results in the summer the very best of luck, and send everybody my warmest wishes for a relaxing break.

I shall look forward to seeing everybody again in September.



Jon Watson
Chief Executive Officer