Physical Education and Sport

sSport is one of the 4 Pillars of The Canterbury Academy Trust. We believe in delivering high quality and enjoyable PE so all are inspired to engage in sport and physical activity long term. This applies to all students, whether recreational or elite performers
Middle School
All students access core PE within the Middle School curriculum. Classes are gender based and include a wide variety of sports and exercise options.
Teams compete in a range of sports at local, regional and national level. The school provides bespoke programmes for students who will go on to county and national level.
The after school club schedule changes every term and information is shared with students in a variety of ways.
Senior School
In years 10 and 11 students can study BTEC Sport or GCSE PE. They will continue to participate in core PE up until the end of year 11. Students study a range of topics including, fitness testing and training, rules and regulations of a variety of sports as well as learning more about the health and fitness industry.
Sixth Form
Students can choose to study Level 3 BTEC Sport or A-Level PE in the Sixth Form. Both pathways can support students’ progress onto a career in the sports and fitness industry.
Students join the sixth form from far and wide to enrol in the Specialist Sports Programme at The Canterbury Institute for Sport.
Our Sixth Form students go into a variety of positive destinations after finishing with us including professional sport, overseas scholarships, sport science related degrees at university and careers in the sports industry.