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The School Day and Mentoring

Every student at The Canterbury Academy starts their school day with their dedicated mentoring group and staff member. During mentoring, students will receive important information and ensure they are prepared for learning.

Mentor Roles and Responsibilities

Mentors are the first point of contact with the school for all students each day. Any concerns, issues or messages that need to be passed between home and school should be done via each student’s mentor.

Mentors are responsible for monitoring and supporting their mentee’s academic progress.

School Planners

Each student should have their school planner on them every day for each lesson.  This is used for noting down important information such as homework.

Parents and Mentors can also send messages to each other via the special section in each week of the planner. Parents should check the planner every week for messages and should sign each week off as confirmation that they have seen any messages.

Contacting a Mentor

The School Planner is the main vehicle for contact between mentor and home. There is a section in each week for mentors and parents to write messages, please check this weekly.

If you need to speak to someone, please contact either your child’s Support Manager or Head of Learning. Visit the Contact Us page for details

School Day (31.25 Hours Years 7-11) 

Mentor Period8.45 – 9.00
Period 19.00 – 10.00
Middle School Break – 20 minutes10.00 – 10.20
Period 2

Middle School

10.20 – 11.20

Senior School

10.00 – 11.00

Senior School Break – 20 minutes11.00 – 11.20
Period 311.20 – 12.20
Period 4 – Senior School Lunch12.20 – 13.10
Period 5 – Middle School Lunch13.10 – 14.00
Period 6 14.00 – 15.00
Period 7 – extracurricular provision, academic support sessions and Sixth Form lessons only15.00 – 16.00
Period 8 – Sixth Form lessons only16.00 – 17.00
Period 9 – Sixth Form lessons only17-00 – 18.00