Mar 31, 2023 | Academic Pillar, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear Year 5 students, Here at the Canterbury Academy, we are delighted to welcome you to join us on Saturday, May 13 from 9.00am -1.30pm for our ‘Super Saturday’ event on campus. Come and join our fun, exciting and creative workshops in...
Feb 10, 2023 | Academic Pillar, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear parents and carers, Firstly and most importantly, I hope that this messages finds you well. As is custom, I write to share our Trust’s end of Term 3 Pillars of Excellence Newsletter, which I hope you may find time to flick through in the coming...
Dec 16, 2022 | Academic Pillar, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear parents and carers, As the Christmas holidays begin in the schools and settings across The Canterbury Academy Trust, I write to you so I can share our termly Pillars of Excellence Newsletter, and highlight some of the key developments across...
Oct 14, 2022 | Academic Pillar, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear parents and carers, I write to you this afternoon with our end of Term 1 Pillars of Excellence Newsletter attached. I hope you may find some time in the coming days to read about some of the incredible achievements of our Trust’s young people....Aug 29, 2022 | Academic Pillar, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow We are again delighted with the outcomes that this year’s Year 13 students have achieved, and we are proud of each and every one of them. Not only is it down to the incredibly hard work and commitment demonstrated by each and every student, but also...