Jul 21, 2022 | Academic Pillar, Job Vacancies, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear parents and carers, As we reach the end of another term and another school year, it gives me great pleasure to attach our final Pillars of Excellence Newsletter. Despite the current heat, I do hope you’ll find the time to take a flick through...
Jun 1, 2022 | Academic Pillar, Job Vacancies, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear parents and carers, As we draw to the end of another very busy term across The Canterbury Academy Trust, I attach our most recent Pillars of Excellence Newsletter for your information. I do hope you may be able to take ten minutes to read,...
Apr 1, 2022 | Academic Pillar, Job Vacancies, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear parents and carers, As the end of term 4 draws near, I write with our Pillars of Excellence Newsletter attached, updating you on the achievements of our students across The Canterbury Academy Trust; from our City View Pre-School and Nurseries,...Mar 14, 2022 | Academic Pillar, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping”. Mr Rogers I am sure that we all will have been touched and affected by the terrible scenes...
Feb 15, 2022 | Academic Pillar, Job Vacancies, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear parents and carers, I write to you this evening to share with you our end of term Pillars of Excellence Newsletter (attached), hoping that you may be able to find some time, once again, to celebrate more of our students’ brilliant achievements...
Dec 17, 2021 | Academic Pillar, Job Vacancies, News, Performing Arts Pillar, Practical Learning Pillar, Sports Pillar
FollowFollowFollow Dear parents and carers, It is with great pleasure that I write to you this afternoon, with our end of term Pillars of Excellence Newsletter attached, as opposed to anything with ‘COVID’ in the title! As we draw to the end of another long, busy and...