
Sixth Form Financial Help and Bursaries

Young people who require financial support to help them continue post-16 education can apply to the school for the 16-19 bursary fund. The Canterbury Academy is allocated funding to distribute to students in genuine need of financial assistance based on eligibility.


The following students are eligible for the 16-19 Bursary Fund.

  • Students in care, care leavers, students receiving Income Support or receiving Employment Support or Disability Living Allowance. Students in this group will qualify for a Bursary Fund of £1,200 per year as well as Bursary Fund.
  • Students whose joint parental income is no more than £25,000 per annum.
  • Students whose parents receive Income Support.

All applicants must provide evidence of their household income as part of the application process. We currently accept P60, Income Support/University Credit (Award Letter), Full Tax Credit Award. Self-Employee earnings (Official Tax return), other benefits/pension (Award Letter) or recent wage slips.

Students with eligibility 2 and 3 above will be able to claim for bursary assistance which can support transport costs, course related books and stationery, meals whilst at school and any other essential course related costs including school trips.

You may wish to seek additional guidance from the Government website

The school will be open during the summer break if you wish to hand in an application or raise any queries regarding the Bursary Scheme.

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