

Trust Governance

The Canterbury Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee and is an exempt charity. The members hold the Board of Directors to account.

The Governing Body for The Canterbury Academy Trust is now known as ‘The Board of Directors’. The Trust Board consists of 10 directors, including the Chief Executive Officer.

Local governing bodies and committees have been established to allow a more focused approach to monitoring and evaluating the work of the Trust’s component parts. Trustees (Board of Directors) delegate specific responsibilities to its local governing bodies and committees, the activities of which are reported to and discussed at Board of Directors meetings.

Role of the Chief Executive Officer of the Trust

The Chief Executive Officer of the Trust, who also acts as the Accounting Officer has the responsibility, under the board, for the overall day to day management of the Academy Trust, including staffing, finance, conduct and discipline.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will take place at The Canterbury Academy on Thursday 20th March 2025 at 6.30pm, please email if you would like further information.

Chairs and Vice Chairs

Mr M Johnstone


Ms A Wienel

Vice Chair of the Board of Directors,
Chair of The Canterbury Academy Secondary Phase Local Governing Body

Mr D Fox

Chair of The Canterbury Academy Sixth Form Local Governing Body

Mr D Chamberlain

Chair of The Canterbury Primary School Local Governing Body

Mr P Martin

Chair of Finance, Buildings and Personnel committee

Mr J Brinton

Chair of Audit & Risk committee


Mr M Johnstone (Chair), Mr M Field, Mr A Doyle, Ms J Keay

Accounting Officer:

Mr. J Watson, Chief Executive Officer of The Canterbury Academy Trust


Mr D Chamberlain, Mr M Johnstone, Mr P Martin, Mr P Swallow, Mr J Watson, Ms A Weinel, Mr A Winterflood, Mr J Brinton, Mr D Fox, Mr M Walters

Local Governors:

The Canterbury Primary School Local Governing Body

Dr Y Otomo, Mr A Verrall, Ms C Hampton

The Canterbury Academy Secondary Phase Local Governing Body

Mr B Hawkins, Mr D Watson, Ms T Haux, Ms Z MacKinnon, Mr P Pollard, Ms A Henry

The Canterbury Academy Sixth Form Local Governing Body

Mr T McMahan, Mr G Ayliffe, Mr D Margetts, Ms N Hunt

Youth, Community and Extended Services Local Governing Body

Mr M Vye

Finance, Buildings and Personnel Committee

Mr J Redmond

Clerk to the Board of Directors:

Should you wish to contact the members, directors or local governors, please email the Clerk to the Board of Directors