Homework helps students by preparing for, deepening or consolidating classroom learning. It also provides an opportunity for students to take responsibility for their own learning, with the regular completion of homework contributing to the development of strong study habits, improved understanding and better outcomes. It is a valuable means of supporting understanding and communication between the home and the school, and it provides the opportunity for parents/carers to interact positively with their children’s learning

At The Canterbury Academy we have invested in a number of online platforms to support clear communication of homework, purposeful tasks, and where available, instant feedback.

We use Satchel:One to notify students and parents of homework tasks. This allows teachers, students and parents to have a clear understanding of what homework has been set, when it is due and whether it has been submitted.

We use GCSE Pod for English and Science in Keystage 3 and a range of subjects in Keystage 4.

We use Sparx Maths for maths in year 7 through to year 11.